A Tale of Trust and Freedom

“Sometimes, the smallest creatures leave the biggest imprints on our hearts.”

I wanted to share a heartwarming story about a special experience I had during a heavy monsoon.

One rainy day, I was feeding some dogs under an umbrella in the UN park. While I was feeding the dogs, I noticed a baby crow who hadn’t yet learned to fly.

Typically, crows are fiercely protective of their young and will attack if you approach their nest.

However, I didn’t see any nest nearby, and even if I had seen the nest, it would have been impossible to return the baby safely without being perceived as a threat by the adult crows.

Seeing the baby crow helpless, I couldn’t bear the thought of leaving the baby crow to take care of himself in the rain, where he could easily become prey or die of hunger.

With the rain preventing other crows from being out, I seized the opportunity and carefully brought the baby crow home. We named him Pappan.

Winning his trust was a slow and patient process, but eventually, he became comfortable with us, particularly bonding with my dad.

I still vividly remember the day we taught Pappan to fly.

We were filled with both excitement and nervousness, much like any mother crow would be.

He failed to fly on his first and second attempts but on his third attempt, Pappan managed to fly to a tall palm tree, where he perched, too nervous to come down.

We spent the entire day encouraging him from below, our eyes fixed on him with a mix of pride and worry.

“The moment Pappan took flight, we knew we were witnessing something truly magical.”

Finally, Pappan gathered the courage to leap from the tree and fly beautifully. Although we knew that learning to fly meant he might not return, we couldn’t cage him for our own sake.

Pappan was born to fly, and we believed in the saying, “If you love someone, set them free. If they come back, they are yours.”

To our joy, Pappan did come back. Despite his newfound freedom, he never left his home.

He became a beloved part of our family, often perching on our heads while we worked and communicating with us in his unique birdy language.

“Pappan’s return was a reminder to the trust and love that had grown between us.”

It’s a beautiful reminder of the bond we can share with the animals we care for.


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